Why pen? Because he works at pen-producing company. Ok, no problem. Now, i don't know if you are familiar with a type of martial art originated from China, Yong Chun or more familiar with name Wing Chun. The name was said to be originated from a girl, Yim Wing Chung, who was taught this martial art to defend herself from a force-marriage by a local warlord. (Don't you just love Wikipedia? ^^)
Anyway, long story short, my friend wanted a Wing Chun mu ren zhuang, or usually called Wooden Dummy. If you have watched IP Man movie, you'll understand more but for me, somebody need to say Kung Fu Panda first, then i can say "AAahhhh....ok, i got it" Ha..Ha..I'm sure if you're a fan of Jacky Chan, you'll see this on some of his movie, so here is my creation for her request:

Happy Birthday Dy, hope you like the cake, and for everyone, thanks for believe in me and it's so good to see you all again.