All the hardwork of baking & decorating will always be paid off when the people that you baked for smiles happily and that is the case with this cake. A friend asked me to bake a cake for her daughter's 8th birthday and she liked the idea of a rainbow cake i did before. She asked me if i had any proposed design for the cake and i asked her if her daughter likes any certain characters or stuffs, and it turned out that her daughter likes Little Miss characters so...Little Miss characters it is.
Did you know that Mr. Men came from children's books in the 1971? The author, Robert Hargreaves, created the female version, Little Miss in 1981 as accompanying characters. I think it has more than 40 characters! Wow..and i only know them from my t-shirt ^^ I decided for this cake, i choose Little Miss characters that are happy & cheerful, we don't want Little Miss Bossy or Little Miss Naughty to be on the cake, do we?
So here's the cake, hope you enjoy it..and Happy 8th Birthday Moira, thanks for liking the cake.